Monday, March 8, 2021

The Liquid Diet

 Just thinking about it, makes me nauseated.  And I was one of the lucky ones.  Most surgeons require you to drink liquids only for two weeks prior and one week after the procedure.  Dr. Pysher requires liquids only two days prior to surgery and one week post operative.  Liquids only doesn't sound so bad, but the number one nutrition priority with weight loss surgery is protein intake.  You need a minimum of 60 grams of protein a day.  There are tons of protein shakes out there that have 30 grams of protein, so I thought, ehh, this will be a piece of cake.  I had fell in love with Fairlife Protein shakes and thought they would be my saving grace for those nine days.  What I failed to read on hundreds of posts that I now see daily, is when you are drinking water, broth and protein shakes for several days in a row, the sweetness and after-taste becomes unbearable.  I remember Leslie telling me to add milk, to dilute them, blend with ice, or drink at room temperature.  I was thinking "what's the big deal, they're delicious".  Not on day three when you wake up and your mouth tastes metallic from the after-taste of the one I managed to finish the night before...but eventually, it got better.  Much better. 

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